How much does Fymestore charge for delivering products?
Our delivery is completely free. Rs 300 is added in case of choosing Open Parcel as delivery method.
Does Fymestore ship internationally?
We only deliver in the cities of Pakistan currently.
How can I track my order from Fymestore online?
You will get a confirmation email with a tracking number.
How do I cancel my order on Fymestore?
You can cancel your order by calling us directly on our helpline at +92Â 317Â 5496005. If your order has already been dispatched, you can refuse to accept the order at the time of delivery and return it to our Rider. Our team will identify your order as cancelled, and the advance payment will be reimbursed.
Can I modify the shipping address of my order after it has been placed?
Once the order has been placed, you cannot change the delivery address. You have to cancel the order and re-order the product with the correct address. The already-made payments will be refunded to you.
I just cancelled my order. When will I receive my refund?
We typically process returns within 3-5 business days after the courier delivers the item to our Returns Center. When we complete processing your return, we issue a refund. The refund time varies with the method of Refund.
Would the consumer receive their entire payment if they cancel a paid order?
In case of order cancellation by the Customer, the Processing fee will not be refunded.